Thursday, April 12, 2012

NSArrayController + NSTableView : automatically save changes without Core Data

OK, so I'm implementing a classic scenario :

  • A NSPopupButton with some items in it

  • When the selected value changes, my itemsArray is updated

  • The itemsArray is linked to an NSArrayController

  • Each item in the itemsArray is an NSMutableDictionary (with keys : title,content)

  • An NSTableView displays the titles of the arrangedObjects (binding)

  • An NSTextView displays the content of the selected item.

Now, what I want is to automatically save any changes to the itemsArray (or itemsArray's item title/content), but without using Core Data (which I suspect might have been the best way to go about it).

I imagine it's quite a basic question this one, but honestly I've never really like Cocoa's auto-magical way of doing things... so, I need your help...

How should I go about that?

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