Thursday, April 12, 2012

Apache Unexpected subelement exception while generating a webservice client

I'm trying to generate a webservice client with wsdl2java from axis2 (version 1.6.1).

./ -uri

When I call this service, I get an Exception.

org.apache.axis2.AxisFault: org.apache.axis2.databinding.ADBException: Unexpected subelement {}Rs

    try {
EFetchSnpServiceStub fetchService = new EFetchSnpServiceStub();
EFetchSnpServiceStub.EFetchRequest reqIdSnp = new EFetchSnpServiceStub.EFetchRequest();
EFetchSnpServiceStub.EFetchResult resIdSnp = fetchService.run_eFetch(reqIdSnp);
} catch (Exception e) {

With soaptest however I can see the Rs Tag in the result.

<Rs rsId="193925233" snpClass="snp" snpType="notwithdrawn" molType="genomic" bitField="050000000005000000000100" taxId="3702">

How can I fix this exception? The WSDL is not under my control.

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