Wednesday, April 18, 2012

How to give a click function for center | focus image in roudabout carousel?

I am trying to give click function to focus image (center image) in jquery round about carousel . in this url I need click fucntion which should go to other web page.
I need this function only for center(focus) image not for other child images . For other image it should come in focus and then I need click even to happen.

For example :

On click of the center or focus image I need to go to (open new window)

questions :

1) Is there any way to call a onclick event for focus image ?
2) If its not possible through roundabout carousel is there any other carousel which supports this.
3) Is there any API I can use for this on click event?

Can Anyone help me in this

How to check if variable is undefined

I am using HAML and jquery to code my application. I have a single 'Share' template that is used to display a URL link. I want it to be flexible such that it will display different URLs depending on the variables that are passed into it.

//Code to trigger view and populate template -> Note I only pass in the thread vara here
share_view = new Onethingaday.Views.Threads.ShareView
thread: new Onethingaday.Models.Thread(@options.thread_muses.first().get('question'))

//snippet from share view to pass the variables to the template
render: ->
$(@el).html @template
nickname: @options.nickname
thread_slug: @options.thread.get('slug')
thread_text: @options.thread.get('text')

//Snippet of share view's template. Added if-else statement to check if nickname is defined
.sidebar_text Link:
<% if (typeof <%= nickname %> !== "undefined") { %>
%input.detail_text{value: "<%= '' + nickname + '/threads/' + thread_slug %>"}
<% } else { %>
%input.detail_text{value: "<%= '' + '/threads/' + thread_slug %>"}
<% } %>

In the above example, I did not define "nickname" variable. I expect that the else portion will be triggered and the URL displayed is ""

However I am still getting the following

enter image description here

As you see, it is still triggering the 'if' portion and displaying the 'undefined' as part of the URL.

How can I correctly check for 'undefined' variables in my case?

how to make the library project's method working in another project in android?

I have a project which I am trying to use in another new project, my existing project java code is here:

package com.powergroup.splitview;

import android.content.Intent;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.Window;
import android.view.WindowManager;
import android.widget.Button;
import android.widget.LinearLayout;
import android.widget.LinearLayout.LayoutParams;
import android.widget.TextView;

public class SplitviewActivity extends FragmentActivity implements
Left.OnButtonClickListener {

LinearLayout LEFT, RIGHT, leftfragmentln, rightfragmentln;
Right rightFr;
Left leftFr;

public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
//reduced the Gray Bar

// initializes the objects

// sets the size of the two sides, give the ration here
setSize(20, 80);
// sets the colour of the two sides
setColor(Color.BLUE, Color.RED);


public void initializer() {
LEFT = (LinearLayout) findViewById(;
RIGHT = (LinearLayout) findViewById(;
leftfragmentln = (LinearLayout) findViewById(;
rightfragmentln = (LinearLayout) findViewById(;
rightFr = (Right) getSupportFragmentManager().findFragmentById(;
leftFr = (Left) getSupportFragmentManager().findFragmentById(;


public void setColor(int leftColor, int rightColor) {

// for landscape mode
if ((rightFr != null) && rightFr.isInLayout() && (leftFr != null)
&& leftFr.isInLayout()) {

} else {
// for portrait mode



public void setSize(float leftsize, float rightsize) {

// for landscape mode
if ((rightFr != null) && rightFr.isInLayout() && (leftFr != null)
&& leftFr.isInLayout()) {

android.widget.LinearLayout.LayoutParams par1 = (LayoutParams) LEFT

android.widget.LinearLayout.LayoutParams par2 = (LayoutParams) RIGHT
par1.weight = rightsize;
par2.weight = leftsize;



// a method to add view in a blank xml programatically
public void setView(View leftView, View rightView) {
if ((rightFr != null) && rightFr.isInLayout() && (leftFr != null)
&& leftFr.isInLayout()) {
} else {



public void onClickButton(String s) {

if ((rightFr != null) && rightFr.isInLayout()) {
} else {
Intent intent = new Intent(this, RightActivity.class);
intent.putExtra("value", s);



I have made above code as a library and trying to use in my another project where i can use the above methods. What should I do? Plz Help

Left outer join of datatable with linq expression?

I have two DataTables:

DataTable dtFields = new DataTable("tmpFieldTable");



 DataTable dtCDGroup = new DataTable("tmpCDGroup");


I am using following LINQ expression to join these tables:

var resultList = dtFields.AsEnumerable()
fieldList => fieldList.Field<string>("CDGroupID"),
cd => cd.Field<string>("CDGroupID"),
(fieldList, cd) => new
FieldID = fieldList.Field<string>("FieldID"),
CdGroup = cd.Field<string>("Name"),
CDCaption = fieldList.Field<string>("CDCaption"),
Priority = (cd.Field<string>("Priority") ?? "99"),
fldIndex = fieldList.Field<string>("fldIndex").ToString()
.OrderBy(result => result.Priority)
.ThenBy(result => result.fldIndex);

How can I perform left outer join with these DataTables?

xml file node value not getting in iE?

i have this xml file

<form> <age>18 To 25~18-25</age><religion>No Religious Belief~8</religion><mothertongue>Any~1</mothertongue><countries>Any~0</countries><work_status>Any~2</work_status><photo>Any~0</photo> </form>

i want to get nodevalue of the node countries(by name, not by position, because postion can vary) .

after parsing, i am using this in my javascript code


it is giving me correct value in mozilla but not in ie
error occurs that object is required

please help

non static method ... cannot be referenced from a static context

Here is the error message

non static method hero(double,double,double) cannot be reference from a static context

Here is the class method.

class MyMath {
double hero(double n1, double n2, double n3)
double n4;
double n5;
n4 = (n1 + n2 + n3) / 2;
n5 = Math.sqrt((n4 * (n4 - n1) * (n4 - n2) * (n4 - n3)));
return n5;

Here is the main program

double length_of_a;
double length_of_b;
double length_of_c;
double area_of_triangle;

area_of_triangle = (double) MyMath.hero(length_of_a,length_of_b,length_of_c);

What parameters does TeamCity pass to MSBuild under the covers?

I just downloaded TeamCity 7 today and decided to get it up and running for my Azure solution. I am not trying to do anything fancy (yet) and started with a very basic command line build:

msbuild /t:Publish /p:Configuration=Release;TargetProfile=Production;PublishDir=S:\HoursTracker\Deployments

This builds successfully and produces a package that looks like this*:

enter image description here

I then attempted to configure TeamCity in an identical fashion:

enter image description here

This builds successfully and produces a package that looks like this*:

enter image description here

What I don't understand is why there is such a huge discrepancy in the size of the MVC project. Publishing directly from Visual Studio produces the exact same result as my MSBuild command so I'm convinced that TeamCity is the odd man out. Since I assume TeamCity is not broken, can someone please educate me on how to properly configure it so that I get the expected output?

*I have renamed the package files with .zip so that the details were viewable for this post.

Displaying date in a double digit format

I am having trouble displaying the date in a double digit format. I want it to be so that when the day or the month is a single digit example: 4 It would display 04. I'm having trouble comming up with the logic for it, if somebody can help me I would be really greatful. Thanks in Advanced

Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance();
int year = c.get(Calendar.YEAR);
int day = c.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);
int month = c.get(Calendar.MONTH);

if (month % 10 == 0) {

Place = 0 + month;
String Dates = year + "-" + Place + "-" + day;

Make barcode generator in android

i made a barcode generator using code128 but when my barcode generate then it wont display in my layout. so plz suggest me some solution that how to display generated barcode in my layout
enter code here

public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
l1=(LinearLayout) findViewById(;
Code128 barcode = new Code128();
Bitmap b = Bitmap.createBitmap(100, 100, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);
canvas=new Canvas(b);




barcode.setTextFont(new AndroidFont("Arial", Typeface.NORMAL, 12));

RectF bounds = new RectF(30, 30, 0, 0);
try {
barcode.drawBarcode(canvas, bounds);
} catch (Exception e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block

Codeigniter query profiler with multiple database connection

im using codeigniter 2.0++ or specifically 3.0-dev. The thing is I have multiple database connection and the profiler only shows query from the default connection $this->db

class table_m extends CI_Model{

function __construct() {
parent :: __construct();
$this->db2 = $this->load->database('production', TRUE);

function sel_pameran($ukmper=NULL)
$sql = "SELECT * from table1";

$query = $this->db2->query($sql);
return $query->result();



This query wont be shown in the profiler because it uses $this->db2. So how do make the profiler shows every query that is executed, doesn't matter from which database?

How to implement two level sidebar navigation with Jquery Mobile

I'd like to implement a two level navigation inside a sidebar using JQuery Mobile.

By means of explaining what I am trying to achieve, consider I have 3 categories links, and (for example) 3 links in each category
Category 1
- Link 1
- Link 2
- Link 3

Category 2
- Link 1
- Link 2
- Link 3

Category 3
- Link 1
- Link 2
- Link 3

And would like someway to avoid having the user have to browse down two links to try to get to any one page.

I've tried a few avenues using the route;
1. Using data-role="collapsible", in an attempt to create headers for each category in the sidebar, any of which users could expand to click on the second level link
2. Using a series of select drop downs (for each category), and javascript to fire a page change on selecting any of the choices

The problem is that while both methods work nicely when used in a 'main content' page, as soon as I pout them in a content-secondary container, neither of them work (the collapsible content is always expanded, and the javascript does not seem to fire)

Can anyone suggest either (a) a solution to the above problems I am having, or (b) an alternative way to skin this cat?

how to support rotate in the textbox created by code?

I created a text box by code in Xcode, by giving

if (isLandScape) {
textFieldRounded = [[UITextField alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(800, 10, 200, 30)];
else {
textFieldRounded = [[UITextField alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(550, 10, 200, 30)];

but when rotated, two box are created, I dont want this, what is the treatment for my code?

How do I create a zip file of a given compressed size in rails

I have a pile of records that need to be converted to XML then zipped up into a file, so I can send it on to a server that is expecting said records.
The problem I have, is that the server can only accept files that are smaller than a given amount.. Lets say for argument sake 10 Megs

    require 'zip/zip'"tmp/myfile_#{}.zip") do |zos|
i_xml.each_with_index do |xml, index|
zos << xml

The code above creates the zip file perfectly.. but I don't see how I can get the compressed size.

I can give some lea-way for the zip header and stuff.. So once I can tell how big my output is, I could tinker. It's just getting that size seems not in the cards for this class.

Note: I've tried installing zipRuby because it's has a compressed size method, but that just leads me down another rabbit hole.. Native extensions and such.

ArrayAdapter: getView argument variable changed to final

I'm developing an Android 3.1 application and I'm very very new on Android development.

Here is a custom array adapter to use in a ListView:

public class FormAdapter extends ArrayAdapter<Form>
private Context context;
private int layoutResourceId;
private List<Form> forms;
public ArrayList<String> checkedItems;
private Button downloadButton;

public ArrayList<String> getCheckedItems()
return checkedItems;

public FormAdapter(Context context, int textViewResourceId,
List<Form> objects, Button downloadButton)
super(context, textViewResourceId, objects);

this.context = context;
this.layoutResourceId = textViewResourceId;
this.forms = objects;
this.checkedItems = new ArrayList<String>();
this.downloadButton = downloadButton;

public View getView(final int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent)
View row = convertView;
if (row == null)
LayoutInflater inflater = ((Activity)context).getLayoutInflater();
row = inflater.inflate(layoutResourceId, parent, false);

Form f = forms.get(position);
if (f != null)
CheckBox checkBox = (CheckBox)row.findViewById(;
if (checkBox != null)
checkBox.setOnCheckedChangeListener(new OnCheckedChangeListener()
public void onCheckedChanged(CompoundButton buttonView,
boolean isChecked)
Form f = forms.get(position);
if (isChecked)
downloadButton.setEnabled(checkedItems.size() > 0);

return row;

On public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) I have to change to final position argument. I have done it because I need to use it on public void onCheckedChanged(CompoundButton buttonView, boolean isChecked) method.

Is there any problem if I change position to final?
Is there any other way to use position on onCheckedChanged?

when i use CFRelease?

i'm studying iOS programming.

i wrote code that associated an address.

there's so many methods. like

i'm dividing a group.

here's group1

ABRecordCopyValue(argument1, argument2);
ABRecordCopyValue(argument1, argument2);
ABMultiValueCopyLabelAtIndex(argument1, argument2);
ABMultiValueCopyValueAtIndex(argument1, argument2);

and another one is right here, group2

CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(argument1, argument2);

i know there's so many other methods.

but i wonder when i use CFRelease method.

i think group2's all methods don't do CFRelease

because that contain the word "Get", not allocated.

and i think group1's all method have to use CFRelease

because there's a string "copy".

i have a book.

but there's used CFRelease twice.

one is release ABAddressBookCreate()

another one is ABAddressBookCopyPeopleWithName.

all of other things don't use CFRelease.

so i wonder when i use CFRelease.

please tell me when i use CFRelease.

Facebook Login, impossible to obtain a Popup

I searched a lot on SOF but didn't find an answer to my problem, so I create a new thread.
I'm working on a Facebook Application, and want ton test if the user is connected, or not.
If he's not, I want to have the facebook Popup for the login, but it's impossible for me to obtain what I want.

Here is the code :

I tried a lot of things :

String AppID = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["FB_appId"];
String redirect_uri = Controller.GetCurrentPageFacebookPublishedPath(this.Request);
Response.Redirect("" + AppID +
"&redirect_uri=" + redirect_uri + "&display=popup");

Or this :

FacebookClient client = new FacebookClient();
Dictionary<string, object> PostParameters = new Dictionary<string, object>();
PostParameters.Add("client_id", AppID);
PostParameters.Add("display", "popup");
PostParameters.Add("redirect_uri", redirect_uri);
//object res = client.Post("", PostParameters);
object res = client.Get("", PostParameters);

But nothing works...

Is there something i do wrong? Should I do this in javascript ?


I finally didn't find a solution in c#, so I used javascript like that :

FB.getLoginStatus(function (response) {
if (response.status === 'connected') {
var uid = response.authResponse.userID;
var accessToken = response.authResponse.accessToken;
} else if (response.status === 'not_authorized') {
} else {
$(".myBouton").click(function () {
FB.login(function (response) {
if (response.authResponse) {
console.log('Welcome! Fetching your information.... ');
FB.api('/me', function (response) {
console.log('Good to see you, ' + + '.');
} else {
console.log('User cancelled login or did not fully authorize.');

But I don't know how to call a function after that, because I have a lot of different buttons, and I want my actions being done, after the User log and redirection of course.

Android doesn't have appropriate encoding

I have httpservice on android device. It forms response as html page to some browser. So it works fine but if I use other languages (for example Russian), server returns unreadable text instead of Russian symbols. I know that default encoding on Android is UTF-8. I've tried every encoding available on the Android (For example windows-1251, Big5(Chinese), UTF-16 and so on) but it returned wrong result at all. Here is some code which show you what I've tried to do:

public void handle(HttpRequest request, HttpResponse response, HttpContext httpContext) throws HttpException, IOException {

HttpEntity entity = new EntityTemplate(new ContentProducer() {
public void writeTo(final OutputStream outstream) throws IOException {

OutputStreamWriter writer = new OutputStreamWriter(outstream, "windows-1251");
String resp = "<html><body>Hello ??????</body></html>";
StringEntity se = new StringEntity(resp, "windows-1251");
response.setHeader("Context-Type", "text/html");

So in browser I see next:

Hello Привет

What do I wrong? Please, answer me.
I'll appreciate for any suggestions. Thanks.

Google Icons not linking... is it just HTML or CSS issue?

on my website I have social media button icons, and strangely, the Google icons don't link, though they have links encoded. I can't figure it out. There are two google buttons: the white one is for the +1 and that doesn't work, the red one is to take you to the google page. Neither works in Google Chrome browser, but the red one works in IE9. Any ideas? See any CSS or HTML errors?

Thanks for looking! Derek

How can I avoid for an undeclared variable breaking Intellisense?

Yeah, I can already see the upcoming comment trail along the lines of "use declared variables then". But please bear with me.

The situation is that I have a moderate pile of JS files, each containing a Dojo widget. Widgets contain calls to various functions in dojo namespace but because dojo does not exist in the scope of a widget file, Intellisense breaks.

Here CTRL+[space] autocomplete includes this.a and this.b as expected:

new Object({
a: NaN,
b: function YesToIntellisense()
console.log(this.a); // CTRL+[space] includes this.a and this.b

Here CTRL+[space] autocomplete lacks both this.a and this.b:

new Object({
b: function NonIntellisense()
console.log(this.a); // CTRL+[space] does *not* include this.a and this.b

How can I avoid for an undeclared variable breaking Intellisense in VS2010?

Declare local variables as late as possible or at the nearest curly brace they belong?

I am working to set some programming practices standards for my organization.
Doing so i came across the issue "Title of this question"

Some finds it best declaring variables as late as possible and some finds its good
to have them at the top of method starting brace.

Oracle Standard also says to declare them as early as possible.
So do i in favor of declaring them at the closest curly brace they belong.

Concerns are

  1. Code Readability

  2. Performance

  3. Less Error Prone

Any Comments are welcomed.

How to minify/obfuscate a bash script

Of course a bash file cannot be truly obfuscated and will always be readable. And I don't want to wrap them in some binary package.
And renaming local variables wouldn't be worth the trouble.

But is there a reliable simple bash obfuscator or minifier which at least removes all the indentation, all the empty lines and all whitespace without breaking anything? And especially the comments and commented out portions of the script which might contain sensitive documents or information?

I would be afraid of simple grep/sed-lines to do this because "HEREDOCs" must not be modified of course, so a little bit of real parsing is necessary.

Maybe there's a tool to do this, that would be great!

External command does not execute completely - Java

So, I am building a program that converts .flv files to other formats.
For that I'm using ffmpeg which does its job perfectly when executing it via command line. For example:

ffmpeg -i C:\test.flv -acodec libmp3lame -y C:\test.mp3

This example works like a charm - there isn't a single problem when executing the command.

BUT when I try to execute the same command from within a Java class a problem occurs. I do this in a try-catch block:

Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("cmd /c ffmpeg -i C:\test.flv -acodec libmp3lame -y C:\test.mp3");

The console prints "Start". It starts converting and it doesn't finish.

Can somebody help me?

how to get the position from the custom adapter

In myactivity I have created one custom adapter for the listview.I have an array with one element. when I called setadapter method then the getView method running for 10 time.

Any one help me on this...

mp3 alarm clock iphone

The app that I am benchmarking is 'Night Stand'

They are heightening a muted mp3 that was playing for the alarm. I wonder how they call the function that heightens the volume of the music while the device is sleeping (locked)(power button pressed). P.S. the mp3 alarm doesn't work if the application is in background(home button pressed) before the device is locked but it works when the iphone is on the foreground right before the device is locked.

Measure data transfer rate (bandwidth) between 2 apps across network using C++, how to get unbiased and accurate result?

I am trying to measure IO data transfer rate (bandwidth) between 2 simulation applications (written in C++). I created a very simple perfclient and perfserver program just to verify that my approach in calculating the network bandwidth is correct before implementing this calculation approach in the real applications. So in this case, I need to do it programatically (NOT using Iperf).

I tried to run my perfclient and perfserver program on various domain (localhost, computer connected to ethernet,and computer connected to wireless connection). However I always get about the similar bandwidth on each of these different hosts, around 1900 Mbps (tested using data size of 1472 bytes). Is this a reasonable result, or can I get a better and more accurate bandwidth?

Should I use 1472 (which is the ethernet MTU, not including header) as the maximum data size for each send() and recv(), and why/why not? I also tried using different data size, and here are the average bandwidth that I get (tested using ethernet connection), which did not make sense to me because the number exceeded 1Gbps and reached something like 28 Gbps.

1KB 1396 Mbps
2KB 2689 Mbps
4KB 5044 Mbps
8KB 9146 Mbps
16KB 16815 Mbps
32KB 22486 Mbps
64KB 28560 Mbps

HERE is my current approach:

The perfclient code can be accessible here:

The perfserver code can be accesible here:

Is there anything wrong with my approach? How can I make sure that my result is not biased? Once I get this right, I will need to test this approach in my original application (not this simple testing application), and I want to put this performance testing result in a scientific paper.
If you try to run my codes on your machine, let me know the result that you get (at least for 1024 bytes, 1472 bytes, and 64KB data size), and let me know what internet connection types you are using.

how to set file permissions on files in my deployment?

i have seen this question, but the answer doesn't quite explain the technique.

I run my application from the target directory after maven is run on the server.

I have a folder (/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/scripts) which once after maven is run is copied to the target directory (/target/[project]/WEB-INF/scripts).

I need to make sure all of the files within this directory (recursively) receive executable permissions.

How can I achieve this without ant?

How about WCF for large amount of clients and large amount of data?

Does anyone have statistics of using WCF with 20000 clients?
just don't know it's performance of loading 20000+ clients, anyone can give me a real data about this?
and also, for each client, we will transfer data from serveral Kb to 100MB, does it suitable for WCF to finish this in a good performance?
and also, is there any messaging platform good enough for us to use with low cost in money?
just need purely .net platform. Would anyone give me some lights on this? thx very much.

How to successfuly typecode multiple character encodings? [closed]

Some people are too stupid for their own good. This document is in the process of being moved to Google Docs. For those who would like to collaborate on a solution to the problem of not knowing what type of string data is located @ a particular pointer location. Feel free to contact me on facebook, if you are interested in joining the development process. This question has been closed and its relavent content has been relocated to a trustworthy publisher to satisfy the hostile intentions of: n.m., HostileFork, Mat, and casperOne. Have a good 'un.

Theoretically, I'm writing a procedure library that needs to handle any type of "string" memory. More specifically what I'm asking, is if there is a better example or reasoning behind accomplishing this task because I don't know many specifics of the datasets and settings. What I do know is that at the end of the string, its all said and done.

So if you have experience working with international character data, your experience, comments, thoughts and input will be most helpful to solving the problem.

How to highlight characters in String for Textview?

String = " This is SAMPLE"

I want to increase the size of the SAMPLE alone in String to highlight, but need to be in a single string, this is to set in TextView.

Thanks in Advance.

Can i get all my posts(profile feed) using Facebook Graph API explorer?

Can i get ALL my posts(my Profile feed) using Graph API explorer?

I tried using

but it doesn't seem to give me everything(even increasing the limit doesn't work) which
means it given only a predefined number of posts.

Is there a way to get all posts by me from the time i joined Facebook(because i can get them by scrolling down on my Wall which means facebook has stored them).

Thanks in advance