Thursday, April 12, 2012

Keeping variable value while making async call to FB.api

I am trying to get albums of a user with the following JavaScript function, first call gets album list, and while iterating in albums I get their cover picture:

function GetAlbums() {
FB.api('/me/albums', function(resp) {
var ul = document.getElementById('albums');
for (var i=0,; i<l; i++) {
var album =[i];
FB.api('/'+album.cover_photo, function(resp1) {
li = document.createElement('li'),
a = document.createElement('a');
a.innerHTML = "<img src='"+resp1.picture+"'/>";
a.href =;

I don't know why but cover pictures are fetched ok, but album name is always same. Probably the inner FB.api call is async. and before it finishes the album iteration goes to the last element. How can I correct the code?

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