Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Way to Remove Invite Limit on FBML Multi-Friend Selector

I tried to look through various resources before posting here, but was having a surprisingly difficult time finding an answer to my question. Sorry in advance if I overlooked it.

I'm currently trying to add the FBML Multi-Friend Selector to my Facebook page. It has a limit on the number of friends you can invite at a time ("Add up to 20 of your friends by clicking on their pictures below"). From what I've looked through it sounds like 20 is the max number of friends a user can invite, but then looking at Mint's page, they have a 22 max invite (http://www.facebook.com/mint?ref=ts)

I thought it might be based on number of page fans, as Mint has 56,000, but that doesn't seem to be the case as this page only has 256 fans and have a max of 26 friend invites (http://www.facebook.com/tivix?v=app_106437999388442).

Therefore, I don't really understand how this system works. Is there a way for me to increase to 26? Unlimited?

Thanks for your help!

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