Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Extending/overriding in JavaScript?

I want to write a small game using JavaScript and <canvas> but first I want to nail the "correct" or at least common approach to working with Objects.

One topic I am having trouble understanding in particular is how I could implement overriding of method.

When I create an Object, I may have this:

function MyObject()
var base = {};

base.i = 0;
base.update = function()
base.i ++;

return base;

Then when I create another Object that should start with the same members, I use this:

function AnotherObject()
var base = new MyObject();

base.j = 0;

return base;

I want to add more content to AnotherObject.update() while still running the logic I have in MyObject.update(), but when I do this within AnotherObject():

base.update = function()
j ++;

Then I of course lose the logic I added in MyObject.update().

How can I write AnotherObject.update() so that it also calls the original update() method defined by MyObject?

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