Monday, May 14, 2012

android - out of memory exception when creating bitmap

I am getting the following error after creating bitmap second time around:

04-17 18:28:09.310: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(3458): java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: bitmap size exceeds VM budget

this._profileBitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(_profileBitmap, xCoor, yCoor, width, height);

From log:

04-17 18:27:57.500: INFO/CameraCropView(3458): Original Photo Size: W 1536 x H 2048   
04-17 18:28:06.170: INFO/CameraCropView(3458): xCoor: 291
04-17 18:28:06.170: INFO/CameraCropView(3458): yCoor: 430
04-17 18:28:06.170: INFO/CameraCropView(3458): Width: 952
04-17 18:28:06.170: INFO/CameraCropView(3458): Height: 952

Since the image is huge I get the error. But the interesting thing is the error does not happen the first time, only when I take the picture the second time, which makes me believe this profileBitmap is NOT destroyed. How do I clean this up?

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