Tuesday, April 10, 2012

How to remove extra space between textfield in JasperReports?

I have created three text field in Header. I have put parameter in all textField elements. When I'm not calling one of three parameter of three textField elements. It will show 2 textField elements. The problem now is there are space between the text fields.

How to remove the space?

This is my code:

<textField isBlankWhenNull="true">
<reportElement x="0" y="18" width="555" height="35" isRemoveLineWhenBlank="true"/>
<textElement textAlignment="Center">
<font size="12"/>
<textFieldExpression><![CDATA[$P{daterangefrom} && $P{daterangeto} ? "From ( " + $P{daterangefrom} + " - " + $P{daterangeto} + ")"
: $P{weeks} && $P{monthy} && $P{yrs} ? "For week " + $P{weeks} +" "+ $P{monthy} +" "+ $P{yrs}
: $P{monthy} && $P{yrs} ? "For monthly " +$P{monthy} +" "+ $P{yrs}
: $P{quarter} && $P{yrs} ? "For Quarter " + $P{quarter} +" "+$P{yrs}
: $P{yrs} ? "For " + $P{yrs}
: null]]>

This is mine result:

enter image description here

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