Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Assign/append a value of a variable to then load its corresponding content from JSON array

I'm a novice working on an online gallery; the gallery will have categories (a,b,c,d) and 10 thumbnails each which will dynamically load content (text info + a set of larger images) from a JSON array...

The idea is:

  1. I'm attempting to assign/append a variable from a (click) function: (displayProjectA)...

    / there will be one for each of the four thumbnail categories/

  2. and filter it through one function... changing the value of the variable to then identify which section/category of content to load from the array (fillProject).

Here's what I'm having trouble with:

So far, I've tried passing a local variable (var a=x) through a few functions as well as setting one global variable (window['a']=x).. and changing/appending their value based on whatever category is being clicked, yet neither have worked... (fillProject)

Any help or a suggestion for better solution would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

function displayProjectA(){

$('#categorya').on('click', 'li', function(){
var index = $(this).find('img').attr('src').split('/')[3].replace(/\.[^/.]+$/, "") - 1;
var cat = $(this).find('img').attr('src').split('/')[2];

$('#ajaxContainer').load('project.php' + ' .openedProject', function(response){
resizeProject(index, cat);

/* example of html markup for thumbnail: img src="projects/thumbs/categorya/1.jpg" */

function resizeProject(index, cat){

var container = $('#projectContainer');
var phContainer = $('#phContainer');
var ajaxContainer = $('#ajaxContainer');
var projectList = $('#projectList');
var ww = $(window).width();
var hh = $(window).height();
var contentLength;
var contentWidth;
var contentHeight = container.height() + 28;
var realHeight = 850;
var projectsWidth = 0;


fillProject(0, index, cat, function(dims){
$('#ajaxContainer').attr('data-project', index);

$.each(dims, function(key, image){
projectsWidth += (image.width/image.height * 600) + 2;

contentLength = container.find('article li').length;
contentWidth = 13 + projectsWidth + 400;

projectList.animate({'left':-ww}, 500, function(){


ajaxContainer.height(container.height() * 2).css('top',-container.height());
ajaxContainer.show().animate({'top':0}, 800,function(){
$('#projectBackground').fadeTo(500,1).animate({'top':0}, 500);

I'd like to be able to handle each of the four displayProject*X* functions:

function fillProject(index, num, cat, callback){  

var project = $('#ajaxContainer').find('.openedProject:eq('+index+')');
var i = 0;
var images = new Array();

alert(cat); //test to see the value of the variable

project.find('aside .name').html(cat[num].title); //not working when trying to use variable
project.find('aside .type').html(categorya[num].type); //working when not
project.find('aside .number').html(categorya[num].more.number); //working when not
project.find('aside .category').html(categorya[num].more.category); //working when not
project.find('#projectBackground').attr('src','projects/background/'+categorya[num].more.media.background); //working when not

$.each(categorya[num].more.media.images, function(key, image){ //working when not
if (key == 0){
project.find('article ul').html('');
project.find('article ul').append('<li data-type="'+image.type+'"><img src="projects/main/'+image.url+'" alt="" style="height:600px;"/></li>');
images[i] = 'projects/main/'+image.url;

JSON array:

var categorya = [
title:'project 1',

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