Monday, April 23, 2012

Creating Many-2-Many reference with EF

In my current project (which is really small) i have 3 tables/POCO entities which i would like to manipulate using EF.

The Tables are:

  1. Status (contains status details)

  2. StatusStatusType (which is needed because of the many-2-many relationship)

  3. StatusType (A table which is used to group statuses by type)

I now want to create a new Status in the database and user code like you see below

//Create new status (POCO) entity
var newStatus = new Status {
StatusId = status.Id,
UserId = user.Id,
Text = status.text,
CreateDate = DateTime.Now

// Persist need status to database
using (var db = new demoEntities())

This code works fine but i want to also set StatusType of the status entity. All possible status types are already included in the StatusType table. I don't want to create new statuses only create a reference.

I figured i should use something like :

status.StatusTypes == "new";

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