Wednesday, April 18, 2012

How to check if variable is undefined

I am using HAML and jquery to code my application. I have a single 'Share' template that is used to display a URL link. I want it to be flexible such that it will display different URLs depending on the variables that are passed into it.

//Code to trigger view and populate template -> Note I only pass in the thread vara here
share_view = new Onethingaday.Views.Threads.ShareView
thread: new Onethingaday.Models.Thread(@options.thread_muses.first().get('question'))

//snippet from share view to pass the variables to the template
render: ->
$(@el).html @template
nickname: @options.nickname
thread_slug: @options.thread.get('slug')
thread_text: @options.thread.get('text')

//Snippet of share view's template. Added if-else statement to check if nickname is defined
.sidebar_text Link:
<% if (typeof <%= nickname %> !== "undefined") { %>
%input.detail_text{value: "<%= '' + nickname + '/threads/' + thread_slug %>"}
<% } else { %>
%input.detail_text{value: "<%= '' + '/threads/' + thread_slug %>"}
<% } %>

In the above example, I did not define "nickname" variable. I expect that the else portion will be triggered and the URL displayed is ""

However I am still getting the following

enter image description here

As you see, it is still triggering the 'if' portion and displaying the 'undefined' as part of the URL.

How can I correctly check for 'undefined' variables in my case?

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